Sunday 31 March 2013

Technical updates on Nifty and Bank Nifty

Nifty daily chart

Nifty has bounced back from multiple support level around 5600. It is supported by 200 DMA as well as descending trend line. There are greater possibility that it will move towards 5850. Closing below 200 DMA will be the stop loss.

Bank Nifty daily chart

200 DMA of Bank Nifty is around 11390. If Bank Nifty closes above this level more upside is possible. Expected target once it closes above 11390 will be 11900.

Traders should note that RSI of both Nifty and Bank Nifty is indicating bullish divergence. Possibility of pull back is very high.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 26-02-13
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5612
Reversal if closes below 5895

Thought for the day

This I have seen in life—those who are overcautious about themselves fall into dangers at every step; those who are afraid of losing honor and respect, get only disgrace; and those who are always afraid of loss, always lose - Swami Vivekananda

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Updates on Nifty and SBI

Nifty daily chart

Nifty has continued to take support at 200 DMA. Nifty has to close below 200 DMA for continuation of down trend. 

SBI weekly chart

We had initiated bearish hedging strategy in SBI when it was trading around Rs.2140. Now it has reached multiple support level. So  profit was booked around Rs.2050 which is a rally of 90 points.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 26-02-13
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5612
Reversal if closes below 5895

Thought for the day

“Face the brutes.” That is a lesson for all life—face the terrible, face it boldly. Like the monkeys, the hardships of life fall back when we cease to flee before them.- Swami Vivekananda

Monday 25 March 2013

Updates on Nifty

Nifty daily chart

Nifty has exactly closed at 200 dma. Next few trading sessions will be crucial as we need to see whether it acts as a support or this support will be breached. If it breaches 200 dma then major fall is expected.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 26-02-13
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5648
Reversal if closes below 5895

Thought for the day

You are what your deep, driving desire is  As your desire is, so is your will As your will is, so is your deed As your deed is, so is your destiny.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Updates on Nifty , Bank Nifty and Infy


Nifty has closed marginally below previous low which was around 5670. So far Nifty was forming higher top and higher bottom. Now it has started to make lower top lower bottom which indicates down trend. As per fibonacci retracements next target could be 5570-5450.

Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty has breached trend line support . A major fall is expected and target could be 10900-10500. 


As per trend indicator in daily chart Infy is in short term down trend. It has support at 2830. Once it breaks this support it can fall to 2735.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 26-02-13
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5648
Reversal if closes below 5895

Thought for the day

Zindgi to apne damm par hi jiyi jati hey..dusro k kandhe par tohh shirf janaje uthaye jate hey -  
 Bhagath Singh

Thursday 21 March 2013

Updates on Nifty , HDFC Bank and Bharti



Nifty has continued to show weakness. Today it has closed below previous bottom 5690. 200 DMA is around 5600. Nifty is likely to touch this level in short term.

Bharti Airtel

Bharti has support at Rs.382. It has bounced back from this level and likely to continue uptrend.


HDFC Bank is trading in a downward sloping channel. It has almost reached the support level. If anyone has short book profit and re enter after breakout.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5648
Reversal if closes below 5895

Thought for the day


Advice given to fools, makes them angry and not calm them down. Just like feeding a snake with milk, increases its venom.

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Wednesday 20 March 2013

Updates on Nifty , Bank Nifty and SBI

Nifty Daily chart

Nifty has once again reached its previous low. One very important observation is last time when Nifty was at 5700 level RSI was oversold but now it is not. Is this means that Nifty can fall further ?? There are possibilities lets see !!

Bank Nifty daily chart

Yesterday it was mentioned that Bank Nifty has support around 200 DMA long can be initiated if sustainable bounce back happens. But Bank Nifty didn't bounce back. Through out the trading session it was negetive. Since 200 DMA can check the down trend we have booked profit. 

Bank Nifty weekly chart

In weekly chart Bank Nifty has breached a very important support level. But there are 2 more trading session in this week so we need to wait for weekly close. . IF Bank Nifty closes below trend line support then we may expect free fall.

SBI Daily chart

SBI has closed below 20 DMA. It can test trend line support. As long as it is below 2190 trend will remain down. We are bearish on SBI.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Update on Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty daily chart



Bank Nifty has almost reached its previous low at Rs.11400.  200 DMA is at 11350. You can see in the above chart that 200 DMA has acted as support twice in the past which clearly indicates that Bank Nifty is at support level. Trend remains down and we need a sustainable bounce back to buy Bank Nifty.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990


Thought for the day

One of the funny things in stock market is that every time one person buys  , another sells and both think that they are astute - William Feather 


Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd...Bertrand Russell

Our ancestors lived in a constant state of fear-- their lives in constant jeopardy from the elements, wild animals or climate changes that threatened to kill them. In the modern age, we know that some dangers are still very real. If you are walking across the street and a large bus careening out of control comes bolting toward you at high speed -- you are in real fear. In this case, the bus is the predator, and you are the prey. Death is literally staring you in the face, and your body goes into fight or flight mode as it tries to avoid it. This is real, tangible fear, and many of you have faced situations where bodily harm or death was literally staring you in the face.

In the markets, the fear predators are what force us to take action. Fear is the hunter, and we are the prey. We want to make money, and the predator that pushes us to do that is greed. Markets move up because people are buying and down because people are selling. We do not know the motives of these millions of people, but we infer that they are acting in their best interests to make money or minimize losses. Thus, buying or selling begets more buying or selling as the herd reacts to the predators of fear and greed.

To experience fear is human. With the exception of individuals who have certain brain lesions or are highly medicated with potent psychotropic medications, everyone alive feels fear. It is the emotion that binds us together, and it is the emotion that the media, public relations and advertising use to drive powerful messages directly into our limbic brains.

 The major fears of traders are based on one simple premise: We do not like to be wrong! We don't want to make a mistake--and having made one, we don't want to admit it. At some point, the pain of realizing that we have made a mistake is too great to bear, and we get rid of our position at any cost. This is why short squeeze rallies (shorts buying at any cost just to get out so that they don't have to take the pain that literally feels like their insides are being squeezed) are so powerful. This is why long squeeze declines (longs selling out at any cost just to get out so that they no longer have to tolerate the pain of descent into complete despair) are equally breathtaking.

The four major fears of traders and investors: fear of losing, fear of missing out, fear of leaving money on the table and fear of being wrong--are really some combination of fear and greed. The bottom line here is that fear is the predator. It chases after us, it hunts us down, it makes us captive to it and it causes us to act in ways that are not necessarily in the best interest of our equity curve. The fear of dying from a bus coming at you full force is very real. The fear of dying from selling a losing position or from leaving money on the table is quite different. The former is a rational fear of a real danger that is stalking us. The latter is not entirely rational, yet we allow it to stalk us.

The best thing we can do with less-than-rational fears is to turn them around completely. In other words, rather than letting fear be the predator and stalk you, adopt another attitude of action. Do not be paralyzed and frozen by fear. Become the predator and stalk it. Face it full on. Look at it and ask yourself if it's really all that frightening. As long as you continue to allow yourself to be stalked by fear, your world will shrink, and you will become smaller and smaller as you retreat into a space of trying to protect yourself. Fear has you exactly where it wants you.

If, instead, you begin to move in the direction of your fears--slowly and steadily--you will find that they have less and less power over you. Your world begins to expand. You understand that fear is really False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R.). You begin to see that you have the power within you to face these fears and to control them. They are real only if you allow them to be real. By using the tools of position-sizing and money management, you control your risk as you move closer and closer to that fear. Once you are able to keep moving toward it, fear begins to diminish and you see it for what it really is, rather than what you imagined it to be.

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do...Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday 18 March 2013

Technical updates on Tata Motors

Tata Motors

Tata Motors has once again reached support region. It is trading in a narrow range of 25 points. Wait for break out.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990

Sunday 17 March 2013

Updates on Nifty , Financial Technology and ICICI Bank

Nifty weekly chart

The candle stick formation of before last week was a large green candle which engulfed the previous candle. It gave an impression of possible bounce back at least till the trend line resistance. But Nifty is facing resistance around 5970 and it is unable to break that. Short term trend remains positive both in Nifty and Bank Nifty. Reversal level of Nifty will be close below 5840 and Bank Nifty 11800. Volatility has increased in the market and so the uncertainty. 19th March is the day on which RBI will announce its monitory policy which can decide future direction of Market.

Financial Technology 



In one of the earlier posts I had mentioned that Financial Technology has reached 61.80% retracement and RSI is over sold. It was also anticipated that Rs.800 could be the bottom. But it has continued to fall. Financial technology is looking like a falling knife and now it has the potential to reach Rs.690. Lets see.




ICICI Bank is in down trend. It can reach Rs.1030 in short term. Below Rs.1030 further fall is expected . 

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990

Thought for the day

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.- Socrates

Thursday 14 March 2013

Update on Nifty

Nifty hourly chart

Today's trading session was very volatile in recent times. First there was a sharp decline followed major pull back. At end of the day Nifty has closed with 59 points gain. Short term reversal of Nifty was closing below 5830 which didn't happen. So uptrend in Nifty is still intact. Yesterday Bank Nifty closes below 11800 because of which our trend indicators in daily chart indicated sell. But today's close above 12000 is a clear reversal of trend. Given the fact that buying interest is back in Financial services sector market is expected to be in positive bias and Nifty might touch 5970 in coming days.

Please note that all entry points will be based on closing basis. For example yesterday it was mentioned that ICICI will fall further if it closes below 1075 which didn't happen. There is a clear difference between trading below and closing below.

Nifty medium term trend


Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990 


Commodity update


We have initiated long in Lead as it has closed above Rs.121.40. In today's session Cardamom has started uptrend as it has closed above Rs.933. Stop loss will be at least Rs.60. This is usually not recommended unless trader has stomach to digest the risk. Potential loss will be at least Rs.6000 and another major risk is it can hit circuits. At the same time reward is also high. Interested traders can contact me for more details.

 Thought for the day


We are what we think.All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world. -Buddha

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Wednesday 13 March 2013

Updates on Bank Nifty , ICICI Bank and Lead

Bank Nifty weekly chart

Bank Nifty has seen significant amount of fall in past two days. In yesterday's post I had mentioned about reversal of short term trend if it closes below 11900. Today we have initiated short in Bank Nifty. In weekly chart BN has failed to sustain above the trend line which is one of the indications of possible correction and it is likely to test at least previous lows.


ICICI Bank is looking weak. If it closes below Rs.1075 it can fall further.


At this point of time lead is trading at Rs.122.20. If it closes above Rs.121.40 (which might happen today) it will start uptrend . More details for subscribers.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990

Thought for the day


However many holy words you read,however many you speak,what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?  - Buddha

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Update on Bank Nifty and HDFC Bank

Bank Nifty daily chart

Bank Nifty is facing selling pressure from past two trading session. Now it has taken support at 20 DMA. If it closes below 20 DMA then that would be the first indication of weakness. However actual down trend will start if it closes below 11900. We have booked profit in Bank Nifty today and continued to hold long in Nifty and LIC.


HDFC Bank is trading within a bearish channel. It is forming lower highs and lower lows. Now it has tested the upper part of the channel and started correcting. If it closes below Rs. 641 then medium term down trend will start.

Commodity Trends

Many commodities are in medium down trend. Below are the reversal levels which can be used for considering long. Please note that commodity has to close above the mentioned levels.

Copper 431.5
Crude Oil 5060
Kapas 922.5
Lead 121.5
Nickel 931
Zinc 108.25

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990

Thought for the day

Nothing is so wretched or foolish as to anticipate misfortunes. What madness is it to be expecting evil before it comes - Seneca

If everyone else is doing it ......don't

Most traders find comfort and confidence knowing that he or she is doing the same thing as everyone else.

Remember that old saying we heard when we were a kid "if everyone jumped off the bridge...."? Our parents encouraged us to resist doing what our peers were doing if the only reason to do it was just because everyone else was. When we were children our parents encouraged us to be independent thinkers and to make our own decisions.

This is great advice for traders but is often forgotten.

Somewhere immersed in the reality of growing up and the real world, many traders forget about the importance of being independent thinkers and making their own trading decisions. Instead, some traders gain confidence from doing the same as what others are doing. However, there is truth to our parent's advice that is especially true as a trader. To be a successful trader you need to think for yourself.

My rule of thumb when selecting trades is....if everyone else is doing it....I won't. If you have heard of this great trade at a party, from your hairstylist, or a television show, chances are that it's not a good trade to take.

For example, most people will see a stock that gaps down and short it. Then after a few days the stock will move back up and continue its overall trend. People who placed that trade might ask why didn't the short work everyone else was doing it.

The reason is this; the market must have a buyer and seller for each trade. The market thrives on balance. When all retail traders short a stock, the market will become imbalanced so the natural gravity of the market must be restored. Eventually the short side will be absorbed and the stock will rebalance to its overall trend.

Thinking for yourself when executing trades can be harder than you realize. It's easy to get lulled in to the peer pressure of doing what everyone else is. But when you take a step back and critically evaluate each trade, you have to ask yourself if you found this trade on your own, would you have placed the trade? I would actually argue that if you looked at the trade on your own you would probably take the reverse side of what your "friends" are telling you. As a trader you need to develop a much more sophisticated approach to trading.

Now you may be asking yourself why on earth would I not be satisfied with knowing that many other traders want to place the same trade?

My reason is simple, if the masses are on the one side of trade, you have to remember there is always someone on the other side of that trade, and chances are the big guys (i.e. banks, market makers) are waiting in anticipation just like hungry crocodiles waiting to eat up that trade. I prefer to side with the crocodiles and eat with them, as opposed to being their dinner it's safer and a much more satisfying place to be.

Sara Potter

Monday 11 March 2013

Updates on Nifty and LIC Hsg Fin

Nifty weekly chart

Nifty has started with a flat opening in the first trading session of this week. It is expected to continue its short term uptrend .
Above is the weekly chart of Nifty. After reaching a low of 5692 (spot) Nifty has bounced back. It is likely to test 6050 which is the trend line resistance. RSI is not over bought in daily chart so technically Nifty has potential to test 6050. Reversal of short term uptrend will be closing below 5840.

LIC Hsg Fin

LIC was in down trend from many weeks. On Friday's session it made a sharp bounce back . Closing above Rs.249 was the first indication of beginning of uptrend. It has closed above 20 DMA , MACD has indicated buy indication. We have initiated long in LIC Hsg Fin at Rs.251.50.

Update on Zinc

In last post I had mentioned about continuation of down trend if Zinc closes below Rs.107. Now it is trading around Rs.105. If it closes below Rs.107 traders should forget about buying Zinc. Sell on every rally as long as it is below Rs.107.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990

Thought for the day

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do - Chris Rock

Friday 8 March 2013

Updates on Bank Nifty and Zinc

Bank Nifty weekly chart

Bank Nifty has made a sharp bounce back in this week. We have initiated long at 11834 and we are still holding the position. This rally is not going to stop in near future. 

On weekly chart it has closed marginally above the trend line resistance. In next week if it manages to sustain above the trend line resistance then we can expect more upside rally.


Base metals have witnessed blood bath in past few weeks. Zinc has fallen from a high of Rs.118.50 and now trading around Rs.107.50. RSI is in the region of over sold and it has completed 100% retracement. Unless it breaks Rs.107 we cannot expect further fall. We have booked profit around Rs.108 short initiated at Rs.116.50. 

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990

Thought for the day

As dripping water wears through rock , so the weak and yielding can subdue the firm and strong - Sun Heichen

To get real time indications of trends in equity and commodity like my page in face book

Thursday 7 March 2013

Updates on Nifty and Financial Technology


In one of the earlier post it was mentioned that Nifty will start short term uptrend if it closes above 5830. Since it has closed above this level it has started uptrend and hence the theory of Nifty falling down to 5500 is not applicable for time being. MACD in daily chart is indicating uptrend and Nifty is likely to continue its uptrend for some more time.

ICICI Bank , HDFC Bank , IDFC , LT are some of the companies which have started uptrend from yesterday's and today's session. We are long in Nifty and ICICI Bank.

Financial Technology

Financial technology is one of the top loser in recent times. It has corrected nearly 400 points from peak. In technical terms it has completed 61.8% in weekly chart which is called golden ratio and RSI is over sold . There is every possibility that Rs.800 will be the bottom of Financial technology.

Nifty medium term trend

Trend  DOWN
Initiation Date 29-11-12
Initiated at  5761
Low since change 5692
Reversal if closes below 5990

Thought for the day

He who knows the enemy and himself will never in a hundred battles be at the risk - Sun Tzu

Let us compare this to trading - A trader who knows the market (it could be enemy for those who lost fortune because of Ego,fear,greed,hope and ignorance but not otherwise) which means the price behaviour , pattern , possible traps , risks involved and himself which means size of capital , psychological qualities like risk appetite , patience , tolerance , boldness etc may lose a few trades but will not end up in losing fortune. Does it make sense ??