Tuesday 6 November 2012

Market updates for 07/11/2012


Nifty Daily Chart

Nifty has marginally  closed above 5720. How ever to get more confirmation let us wait one more day and two consecutive close above 5720 can take Nifty up to 5800. MACD will indicate short term uptrend if Nifty makes flat to positive close for one more day.


Nifty medium term trend

Trend  UP
Initiation Date 08-07-12
Initiated at  5336
High since change 5815
Reversal if closes below 5580


Open Positions

Scrip Type  Price CMP P/L
LT Nov 1650 PE Buy 51 26 -6250
LT Nov 1600 PE Sell 28 11.85 4035
Tata Motors Fut Long 271 269 -2000
Tata Motors 270 PE Buy 9.5 10.5 1000


Thought for the day

Leadership is the privilage to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.

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