Tuesday 15 January 2013

Evolution of trader

Stage Three: The Developing Trader
1) You start to realize the amount of work required and the immense learning curve that you must overcome to understand the markets, maximum pessimism is experienced here

2) At this point, traders may find it overwhelming and quit. Stronger minded traders will push their motivation harder to start their second spurt for knowledge 

3) Hunger and passion is needed to clear this stage 

4) You will ask a thousand questions and bug every professional trader you meet. You will read a thousand day trading articles 

5) You will start paper trading, develop strategies and setups, and define risk parameters for every trade 

6) You will go on a hunt for self-understanding to master your psychological game 

7) You will visualize every possibility on a trade before you take it.

8) This is the true learning phase. You are trying hard to develop your edge in trading.

                                                                                                  to be continued............

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